Asynchronous failing steps
see asynchronously failing scenarios
- Given
the following feature: (000ms)
Feature: a feature Scenario: a failing scenario When I divide 10 by 0 Then the result is 9
- And
the step "I divide 10 by 0" has a mapping asynchronously failing with the message "Divide by 0, uh?" (000ms)
- When
Cucumber runs the feature (019ms)
- Then
the scenario called "a failing scenario" is reported as failing (000ms)
see asynchronously failing scenarios with exception
tags: @untestable-on-self
- Given
the following feature: (000ms)
Feature: a feature Scenario: a failing scenario When I divide 10 by 0 Then the result is 9
- And
the step "I divide 10 by 0" has a mapping asynchronously failing through an exception with the message "Divide by 0, uh?" (000ms)
- When
Cucumber runs the feature (000ms)
- Then
the scenario called "a failing scenario" is reported as failing (000ms)
Asynchronous pending steps
Pending step means the scenario is pending
- Given
a scenario with: (000ms)
When I add 4 and 5 Then the result is 9
- And
the step "I add 4 and 5" has an asynchronous pending mapping (000ms)
- And
the step "the result is 9" has a passing mapping (000ms)
- When
Cucumber executes the scenario (013ms)
- Then
the scenario is pending (000ms)
- And
the step "the result is 9" is skipped (000ms)
Asynchronous step definition callbacks
In order to test asynchronous code
As a dev
I want step definitions to call back asynchronously
Execute feature with asynchronous step definition
- Given
a step definition matching /^an asynchronous step passes$/ calling back asynchronously after 50 milliseconds (000ms)
- And
a step definition matching /^a step passes$/ (000ms)
- When
I run the following feature: (060ms)
Feature: Asynchronous step definition body Scenario: Waiting for an asynchronous step to call back When an asynchronous step passes Then a step passes
- Then
the feature should have run successfully (000ms)
Attach a buffer
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (004ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (001ms)
var hooks = function () { this.Before(function(scenario, callback) { scenario.attach(new Buffer([100, 97, 116, 97]), 'image/png'); callback(); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (002ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is passing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-passing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Before ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {}, "embeddings": [ { "mime_type": "image/png", "data": "ZGF0YQ==" } ] }, { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
Attach a stream
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (001ms)
var hooks = function () { this.Before(function(scenario, callback) { var Stream = require('stream'); var versionParts = /v(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/.exec(process.version); var major = parseInt(versionParts[0], 10); var minor = parseInt(versionParts[1], 10); if (major > 0 || minor >= 10) { var stream = new Stream.Readable(); stream._read = function() {}; stream.push(new Buffer([100, 97, 116, 97])); stream.push(null); scenario.attach(stream, 'image/png', function(error) { callback(error); }); } else { scenario.attach(new Buffer([100, 97, 116, 97]), 'image/png'); callback(); } }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is passing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-passing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Before ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {}, "embeddings": [ { "mime_type": "image/png", "data": "ZGF0YQ==" } ] }, { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
Attach from an around hook (pre scenario)
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (004ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (001ms)
var hooks = function () { this.Around(function(scenario, runScenario) { scenario.attach("text"); runScenario(function(scenario, callback) { callback(); }); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is passing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-passing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {}, "embeddings": [ { "mime_type": "text/plain", "data": "dGV4dA==" } ] }, { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
Attach from an around hook (post scenario)
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (004ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (000ms)
var hooks = function () { this.Around(function(scenario, runScenario) { runScenario(function(callback) { scenario.attach("text"); callback(); }); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is passing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-passing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {}, "embeddings": [ { "mime_type": "text/plain", "data": "dGV4dA==" } ] } ] } ] } ]
Attach from a before hook
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (000ms)
var hooks = function () { this.Before(function(scenario, callback) { scenario.attach("text"); callback(); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is passing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-passing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Before ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {}, "embeddings": [ { "mime_type": "text/plain", "data": "dGV4dA==" } ] }, { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
Attach from an after hook
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (002ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (000ms)
var hooks = function () { this.After(function(scenario, callback) { scenario.attach("text"); callback(); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (002ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is passing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-passing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "After ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {}, "embeddings": [ { "mime_type": "text/plain", "data": "dGV4dA==" } ] } ] } ] } ]
Attach from a step definition
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (004ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { var world = this; world.scenario.attach("text"); callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (001ms)
var hooks = function () { this.Before(function(scenario, callback) { var world = this; world.scenario = scenario; callback(); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is passing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-passing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Before ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {}, "embeddings": [ { "mime_type": "text/plain", "data": "dGV4dA==" } ] } ] } ] } ]
Background allows you to add some context to the scenarios in a
single feature. A Background is much like a scenario containing a
number of steps. The difference is when it is run. The background is
run before each of your scenarios but after any of your Before
One scenario and a background
- Given
the following feature: (000ms)
Feature: testing scenarios Background: Given a background step Scenario: When a scenario step
- And
the step "a background step" has a passing mapping (000ms)
- And
the step "a scenario step" has a passing mapping (000ms)
- When
Cucumber runs the feature (009ms)
- Then
the feature passes (000ms)
- And
the step "a background step" passes (000ms)
- And
the step "a scenario step" passes (000ms)
Two scenarios and a background
- Given
the following feature: (000ms)
Feature: testing scenarios Background: Given a background step Scenario: When a scenario step Scenario: When a second scenario step
- And
the step "a background step" has a passing mapping (000ms)
- And
the step "a scenario step" has a passing mapping (000ms)
- And
the step "a second scenario step" has a passing mapping (000ms)
- When
Cucumber runs the feature (014ms)
- Then
the feature passes (000ms)
- And
the step "a background step" passes (000ms)
- And
the step "a scenario step" passes (000ms)
- And
the step "a second scenario step" passes (000ms)
CoffeeScript support
In order to use the JS dialect I’m most comfortable with
As a step definition implementor
I want to use CoffeeScript for writing step definitions
Command line interface
In order to run cucumber in different contexts
As a person who wants to run features
I want to run Cucumber on the command line
run a single feature
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: When a step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.When(/^a step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f progress features/a.feature
- Then
it outputs this text: (000ms)
. 1 scenario (1 passed) 1 step (1 passed)
- And
the exit status should be 0 (000ms)
run a single scenario within feature
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: first scenario When a step is passing Scenario: second scenario When a step does not exist
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.When(/^a step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f progress features/a.feature:2
- Then
it outputs this text: (000ms)
. 1 scenario (1 passed) 1 step (1 passed)
- And
the exit status should be 0 (000ms)
run a single feature without step definitions
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (001ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: When a step is undefined
- When
I run cucumber.js -f progress features/a.feature
- Then
it outputs this text: (000ms)
U 1 scenario (1 undefined) 1 step (1 undefined) You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets: this.When(/^a step is undefined$/, function (callback) { // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions callback.pending(); });
- And
the exit status should be 0 (000ms)
run feature with non-default step definitions file location specified (-r option)
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (002ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: When a step is passing
- And
a file named "step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.When(/^a step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f progress features/a.feature -r step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js
- Then
it outputs this text: (000ms)
. 1 scenario (1 passed) 1 step (1 passed)
- And
the exit status should be 0 (000ms)
run feature with step definitions in required directory (-r option)
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: When a step is passing
- And
a file named "step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.When(/^a step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f progress features/a.feature -r step_definitions
- Then
it outputs this text: (000ms)
. 1 scenario (1 passed) 1 step (1 passed)
- And
the exit status should be 0 (000ms)
display Cucumber version
- When
I run cucumber.js --version
- Then
I see the version of Cucumber (000ms)
- And
the exit status should be 0 (000ms)
display help
- When
I run cucumber.js --help
- Then
I see the help of Cucumber (000ms)
- And
the exit status should be 0 (000ms)
display help (short flag)
- When
I run cucumber.js -h
- Then
I see the help of Cucumber (000ms)
- And
the exit status should be 0 (000ms)
run a single failing feature
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: When a step is failing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.When(/^a step is failing$/, function(callback) { callback("forced error"); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f progress features/a.feature
- Then
it outputs this text: (000ms)
F (::) failed steps (::) forced error Failing scenarios: <current-directory>/features/a.feature:2 # Scenario: 1 scenario (1 failed) 1 step (1 failed)
- And
the exit status should be 1 (000ms)
run a single failing feature with an empty hooks file
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (002ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: When a step is failing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.When(/^a step is failing$/, function(callback) { callback("forced error"); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (001ms)
- When
I run cucumber.js -f progress features/a.feature
- Then
it outputs this text: (000ms)
F (::) failed steps (::) forced error Failing scenarios: <current-directory>/features/a.feature:2 # Scenario: 1 scenario (1 failed) 1 step (1 failed)
- And
the exit status should be 1 (000ms)
run a single failing feature with an AfterFeatures hook
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (004ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: When a step is failing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.When(/^a step is failing$/, function(callback) { callback("forced error"); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (000ms)
var hooks = function() { this.registerHandler('AfterFeatures', function (event, callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f progress features/a.feature
- Then
it outputs this text: (000ms)
F (::) failed steps (::) forced error Failing scenarios: <current-directory>/features/a.feature:2 # Scenario: 1 scenario (1 failed) 1 step (1 failed)
- And
the exit status should be 1 (000ms)
Core feature elements execution
In order to have automated acceptance tests
As a developer
I want Cucumber to run core feature elements
Simple flat steps
- Given
a step definition matching /^a step passes$/ (000ms)
- When
I run the following feature: (005ms)
Feature: Simple flat steps In order to execute features As cucumber I want to run features successfully Scenario: Simple flat step Given a step passes When a step passes Then a step passes
- Then
the feature should have run successfully (000ms)
Given, When, Then, And and But steps
- Given
a "Given" step definition matching /^a "Given" step passes$/ (000ms)
- And
a "When" step definition matching /^a "When" step passes$/ (000ms)
- And
a "Then" step definition matching /^a "Then" step passes$/ (000ms)
- When
I run the following feature: (011ms)
Feature: Given, When, Then, And and But step execution Scenario: All kinds of steps Given a "Given" step passes When a "When" step passes Then a "Then" step passes Scenario: All kinds of steps with And's and But's Given a "Given" step passes And a "Given" step passes But a "Given" step passes When a "When" step passes And a "When" step passes But a "When" step passes Then a "Then" step passes And a "Then" step passes But a "Then" step passes
- Then
the feature should have run successfully (000ms)
Step definition body is executed
- Given
a step definition matching /^I call a watched step$/ counting its calls (000ms)
- And
a step definition matching /^the watched step should have been called (\d+) times?$/ checking the number of step calls (000ms)
- When
I run the following feature: (017ms)
Feature: Step definition body execution Scenario: Step definition body is executed once When I call a watched step Then the watched step should have been called 1 time Scenario: Step definition body is executed several times When I call a watched step And I call a watched step And I call a watched step Then the watched step should have been called 3 times
- Then
the feature should have run successfully (000ms)
Steps accepting parameters
- Given
a step definition matching /^I call a step with "(.*)"$/ recording its parameters (000ms)
- And
a step definition matching /^I call a step with "(.)", "(.)" and "(.*)"$/ recording its parameters (000ms)
- And
a step definition matching /^the (\d+)(?:st|nd|rd) received parameter should be "(.*)"$/ checking a recorded parameter (000ms)
- When
I run the following feature: (006ms)
Feature: Steps receiving parameters Scenario: Single-parameter step When I call a step with "a parameter" Then the 1st received parameter should be "a parameter" Scenario: Three-parameter step When I call a step with "one", "two" and "three" Then the 1st received parameter should be "one" And the 2nd received parameter should be "two" And the 3rd received parameter should be "three"
- Then
the feature should have run successfully (000ms)
Steps accepting a DocString parameter
- Given
a step definition matching /^I call a step with the following text:$/ recording its parameters (000ms)
- And
a step definition matching /^I call a step with "(.*)" and the following text:$/ recording its parameters (000ms)
- And
a step definition matching /^the (\d+)(?:st|nd) received parameter should be "(.*)"$/ checking a recorded parameter (000ms)
- And
a step definition matching /^the (\d+)(?:nd) received parameter should be:$/ checking a recorded parameter (000ms)
- When
I run the following feature: (010ms)
Feature: Steps receiving a DocString parameter Scenario: One-liner DocString parameter When I call a step with the following text: """ The cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a widely cultivated plant in the gourd family Cucurbitaceae. """ Then the 1st received parameter should be "The cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a widely cultivated plant in the gourd family Cucurbitaceae." Scenario: Matching group and one-liner DocString When I call a step with "Cucumber" and the following text: """ The cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a widely cultivated plant in the gourd family Cucurbitaceae. """ Then the 1st received parameter should be "Cucumber" And the 2nd received parameter should be "The cucumber (Cucumis sativus) is a widely cultivated plant in the gourd family Cucurbitaceae." Scenario: Matching group and multiline DocString When I call a step with "Cucumber" and the following text: """ cu·cum·ber |ˈkyoōˌkəmbər| noun 1. a long, green-skinned fruit with watery flesh, usually eaten raw in salads or pickled. 2. the climbing plant of the gourd family that yields this fruit, native to the Chinese Himalayan region. It is widely cultivated but very rare in the wild. • Cucumis sativus, family Cucurbitaceae. """ Then the 1st received parameter should be "Cucumber" And the 2nd received parameter should be: """ cu·cum·ber |ˈkyoōˌkəmbər| noun 1. a long, green-skinned fruit with watery flesh, usually eaten raw in salads or pickled. 2. the climbing plant of the gourd family that yields this fruit, native to the Chinese Himalayan region. It is widely cultivated but very rare in the wild. • Cucumis sativus, family Cucurbitaceae. """
- Then
the feature should have run successfully (000ms)
Data Tables
a data table can be read as a hash
- Given
the following data table in a step: (000ms)
| Cucumber | Cucumis sativus | | Burr Gherkin | Cucumis anguria |
- When
the data table is passed to a step mapping that converts it to a hash (006ms)
- Then
the data table is converted to the following: (000ms)
{ "Cucumber":"Cucumis sativus", "Burr Gherkin": "Cucumis anguria" }
Environment Hooks
Tagged around hook with untagged scenario
- Given
an around hook tagged with "@foo" (000ms)
- When
Cucumber executes a scenario with no tags (004ms)
- Then
the hook is not fired (000ms)
Hooks are steps
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (002ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (000ms)
var hooks = function () { this.Before(function(callback) { callback(); }); this.After(function(callback) { callback(); }); this.Around(function(runScenario) { runScenario(function(callback) { callback(); }); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is passing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-passing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "Before ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "After ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
Failing around hook (pre scenario) fails the scenario
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (005ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (001ms)
var hooks = function () { this.Around(function(runScenario) { runScenario('Fail', function(callback) { callback(); }); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is passing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-passing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "error_message": "<error-message>", "duration": "<duration>", "status": "failed" }, "match": {} }, { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "status": "skipped" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
Failing around hook (pre scenario) fails the scenario
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (005ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (001ms)
var hooks = function () { this.Around(function(runScenario) { runScenario.fail(); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is passing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-passing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "error_message": "<error-message>", "duration": "<duration>", "status": "failed" }, "match": {} }, { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "status": "skipped" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
Failing around hook (post scenario) fails the scenario
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (005ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (000ms)
var hooks = function () { this.Around(function(runScenario) { // no-op runScenario(function(callback) { callback('Fail'); }); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is passing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-passing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "error_message": "<error-message>", "duration": "<duration>", "status": "failed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
Failing around hook (post scenario) fails the scenario
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (005ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (000ms)
var hooks = function () { this.Around(function(runScenario) { // no-op runScenario(function(callback) { callback.fail(); }); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (003ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is passing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-passing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "error_message": "<error-message>", "duration": "<duration>", "status": "failed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
Failing before hook fails the scenario
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (005ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (001ms)
var hooks = function () { this.Before(function(callback) { callback('Fail'); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is passing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-passing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Before ", "hidden": true, "result": { "error_message": "<error-message>", "duration": "<duration>", "status": "failed" }, "match": {} }, { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "status": "skipped" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
Failing before hook fails the scenario
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (005ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (001ms)
var hooks = function () { this.Before(function(callback) { callback.fail(); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is passing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-passing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Before ", "hidden": true, "result": { "error_message": "<error-message>", "duration": "<duration>", "status": "failed" }, "match": {} }, { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "status": "skipped" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
Failing after hook fails the scenario
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (005ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (000ms)
var hooks = function () { this.After(function(callback) { callback('Fail'); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is passing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-passing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "After ", "hidden": true, "result": { "error_message": "<error-message>", "duration": "<duration>", "status": "failed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
Failing after hook fails the scenario
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (007ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (000ms)
var hooks = function () { this.After(function(callback) { callback.fail(); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is passing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-passing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "After ", "hidden": true, "result": { "error_message": "<error-message>", "duration": "<duration>", "status": "failed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
Hooks still execute after a failure
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (005ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (000ms)
var hooks = function () { this.Around(function(scenario, runScenario) { runScenario("fail", function(callback) { callback(); }); }); this.Around(function(scenario, runScenario) { runScenario(function(callback) { callback(); }); }); this.Before(function(scenario, callback) { callback(); }); this.After(function(scenario, callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is passing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-passing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "error_message": "<error-message>", "duration": "<duration>", "status": "failed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "Before ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "status": "skipped" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "After ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
World is this in hooks
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (005ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/world.js" with: (001ms)
var WorldConstructor = function WorldConstructor(callback) { var world = { isWorld: function() { return true; } }; callback(world); // tell Cucumber we're finished and to use our world object instead of 'this' }; module.exports.World = WorldConstructor;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (001ms)
var hooks = function () { this.World = require("../support/world.js").World; this.Before(function(callback) { var world = this; if (!world.isWorld()) callback("Expected this to be world"); else callback(); }); this.After(function(callback) { var world = this; if (!world.isWorld()) callback("Expected this to be world"); else callback(); }); this.Around(function(runScenario) { var world = this; var error; if (!world.isWorld()) error = "Expected this to be world"; else error = null; runScenario(error, function(callback) { var world = this; var error; if (!world.isWorld()) error = "Expected this to be world"; else error = null; callback(error); }); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is passing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-passing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "Before ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "After ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
JSON Formatter
In order to simplify processing of Cucumber features and results
Developers should be able to consume features as JSON
output JSON for a feature with no scenarios
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature" } ]
output JSON for a feature with one undefined scenario
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I havn't done anything yet
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I havn't done anything yet", "id": "some-feature;i-havn't-done-anything-yet", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario" } ] } ]
output JSON for a feature with one scenario with one undefined step
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (001ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step but not yet defined it Given I have not defined this step
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri":"<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step but not yet defined it", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-but-not-yet-defined-it", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name":"I have not defined this step", "line":4, "keyword":"Given ", "result": { "status":"undefined" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for a feature with one undefined step and subsequent defined steps which should be skipped
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (001ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: One pending step and two following steps which will be skipped Given This step is undefined Then this step should be skipped
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Then(/^this step should be skipped$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "One pending step and two following steps which will be skipped", "id": "some-feature;one-pending-step-and-two-following-steps-which-will-be-skipped", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is undefined", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "status": "undefined" }, "match": { } }, { "name": "this step should be skipped", "line": 5, "keyword": "Then ", "result": { "status": "skipped" }, "match": { } } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for a feature with one scenario with one pending step
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (002ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step which is pending Given This step is pending
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is pending$/, function(callback) { callback.pending(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri":"<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step which is pending", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-which-is-pending", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is pending", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "status": "pending" }, "match": { } } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for a feature with one scenario with failing step
tags: @wip
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step but it is failing Given This step is failing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is failing$/, function(callback) { callback.fail(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri":"<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step but it is failing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-but-it-is-failing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is failing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "error_message": "<error-message>", "duration": "<duration>", "status": "failed" }, "match": { } } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for a feature with one scenario with passing step
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (012ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step which passes Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri":"<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step which passes", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-which-passes", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": { } } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for a scenario with a passing step followed by one that is pending and one that fails
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (004ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step which is passing, one pending and one failing. Given This step is passing And This step is pending And This step fails but will be skipped
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); this.Given(/^This step is pending$/, function(callback) { callback.pending(); }); this.Given(/^This step fails but will be skipped$/, function(callback) { callback.fail(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step which is passing, one pending and one failing.", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-which-is-passing,-one-pending-and-one-failing.", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "name": "This step is pending", "line": 5, "keyword": "And ", "result": { "status": "pending" }, "match": {} }, { "name": "This step fails but will be skipped", "line": 6, "keyword": "And ", "result": { "status": "skipped" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for a scenario with a pending step followed by one that passes and one that fails
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (004ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step which is passing, one pending and one failing. Given This step is pending And This step is passing but will be skipped And This step fails but will be skipped
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is pending$/, function(callback) { callback.pending(); }); this.Given(/^This step is passing but will be skipped$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); this.Given(/^This step fails but will be skipped$/, function(callback) { callback.fail(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step which is passing, one pending and one failing.", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-which-is-passing,-one-pending-and-one-failing.", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is pending", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "status": "pending" }, "match": { } }, { "name": "This step is passing but will be skipped", "line": 5, "keyword": "And ", "result": { "status": "skipped" }, "match": { } }, { "name": "This step fails but will be skipped", "line": 6, "keyword": "And ", "result": { "status": "skipped" }, "match": { } } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for one feature, one passing scenario, one failing scenario
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (004ms)
Feature: one passes one fails Scenario: This one passes Given This step is passing Scenario: This one fails Given This step is failing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); this.Given(/^This step is failing$/, function(callback) { callback.fail(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "one-passes-one-fails", "name": "one passes one fails", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "This one passes", "id": "one-passes-one-fails;this-one-passes", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": { } } ] }, { "name": "This one fails", "id": "one-passes-one-fails;this-one-fails", "line": 5, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is failing", "line": 6, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "error_message": "<error-message>", "duration": "<duration>", "status": "failed" }, "match": { } } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for multiple features
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: feature a Scenario: This is the first feature Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/b.feature" with: (001ms)
Feature: feature b Scenario: This is the second feature Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/c.feature" with: (001ms)
Feature: feature c Scenario: This is the third feature Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json features/a.feature features/b.feature features/c.feature
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "feature-a", "name": "feature a", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "This is the first feature", "id": "feature-a;this-is-the-first-feature", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": { } } ] } ] }, { "id": "feature-b", "name": "feature b", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/b.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "This is the second feature", "id": "feature-b;this-is-the-second-feature", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] }, { "id": "feature-c", "name": "feature c", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/c.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "This is the third feature", "id": "feature-c;this-is-the-third-feature", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for multiple features each with multiple scenarios
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (004ms)
Feature: feature a Scenario: This is the feature a scenario one Given This step is passing Scenario: This is the feature a scenario two Given This step is passing Scenario: This is the feature a scenario three Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/b.feature" with: (001ms)
Feature: feature b Scenario: This is the feature b scenario one Given This step is passing Scenario: This is the feature b scenario two Given This step is passing Scenario: This is the feature b scenario three Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/c.feature" with: (001ms)
Feature: feature c Scenario: This is the feature c scenario one Given This step is passing Scenario: This is the feature c scenario two Given This step is passing Scenario: This is the feature c scenario three Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json features/a.feature features/b.feature features/c.feature
- Then
it outputs this json: (003ms)
[ { "id": "feature-a", "name": "feature a", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "This is the feature a scenario one", "id": "feature-a;this-is-the-feature-a-scenario-one", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": { } } ] }, { "name": "This is the feature a scenario two", "id": "feature-a;this-is-the-feature-a-scenario-two", "line": 6, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 7, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] }, { "name": "This is the feature a scenario three", "id": "feature-a;this-is-the-feature-a-scenario-three", "line": 9, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 10, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] }, { "id": "feature-b", "name": "feature b", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/b.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "This is the feature b scenario one", "id": "feature-b;this-is-the-feature-b-scenario-one", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] }, { "name": "This is the feature b scenario two", "id": "feature-b;this-is-the-feature-b-scenario-two", "line": 6, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 7, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] }, { "name": "This is the feature b scenario three", "id": "feature-b;this-is-the-feature-b-scenario-three", "line": 9, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 10, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] }, { "id": "feature-c", "name": "feature c", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/c.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "This is the feature c scenario one", "id": "feature-c;this-is-the-feature-c-scenario-one", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] }, { "name": "This is the feature c scenario two", "id": "feature-c;this-is-the-feature-c-scenario-two", "line": 6, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 7, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] }, { "name": "This is the feature c scenario three", "id": "feature-c;this-is-the-feature-c-scenario-three", "line": 9, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 10, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for a feature with a background
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (005ms)
Feature: some feature Background: Given This applies to all scenarios
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This applies to all scenarios$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "", "keyword": "Background", "description": "", "type": "background", "line": 3, "steps": [ { "name": "This applies to all scenarios", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given " } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for a feature with a failing background
Since the background step is re-evaluated for each scenario that
is where the result of the step is currently recorded in the JSON
If the background is being re-evaluated for each scenario then it
would be misleading to only output the result for the first time
it was evaluated.
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature Background: Given This applies to all scenarios but fails
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This applies to all scenarios but fails$/, function(callback) { callback.fail(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "", "keyword": "Background", "description": "", "type": "background", "line": 3, "steps": [ { "name": "This applies to all scenarios but fails", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given " } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for a feature with a DocString
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: Scenario with DocString Given we have this DocString: """ This is a DocString """
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^we have this DocString:$/, function(string, callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "Scenario with DocString", "id": "some-feature;scenario-with-docstring", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "we have this DocString:", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "doc_string": { "value": "This is a DocString", "line": 5, "content_type": "" }, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for background step with a DocString
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature Background: Background with DocString Given we have this DocString: """ This is a DocString """
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^we have this DocString:$/, function(string, callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "Background with DocString", "keyword": "Background", "description": "", "type": "background", "line": 3, "steps": [ { "name": "we have this DocString:", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "doc_string": { "value": "This is a DocString", "line": 5, "content_type": "" } } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for a feature with tags
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
@alpha @beta @gamma Feature: some feature Scenario: This scenario has no tags Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 2, "keyword": "Feature", "tags": [ { "name": "@alpha", "line": 1 }, { "name": "@beta", "line": 1 }, { "name": "@gamma", "line": 1 } ], "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "This scenario has no tags", "id": "some-feature;this-scenario-has-no-tags", "line": 4, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 5, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for scenario with tags
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature @one @two @three Scenario: This scenario has tags Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "This scenario has tags", "id": "some-feature;this-scenario-has-tags", "line": 4, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "tags": [ { "name": "@one", "line": 3 }, { "name": "@two", "line": 3 }, { "name": "@three", "line": 3 } ], "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 5, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for a step with table
Rows do not appear to support line attribute yet.
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: This scenario contains a step with a table Given This table: |col 1|col 2|col 3| |one |two |three| |1 |2 |3 | |! |~ |@ |
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This table:$/, function(table, callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (002ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "This scenario contains a step with a table", "id": "some-feature;this-scenario-contains-a-step-with-a-table", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This table:", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "rows": [ { "cells": ["col 1", "col 2", "col 3" ] }, { "cells": ["one", "two", "three"] }, { "cells": ["1", "2", "3"] }, { "cells": ["!", "~", "@"] } ], "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for background with table
Rows do not appear to support line attribute yet.
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature Background: Given This table: |col 1|col 2|col 3| |one |two |three| |1 |2 |3 | |! |~ |@ |
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This table:$/, function(table, callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "", "keyword": "Background", "description": "", "type": "background", "line": 3, "steps": [ { "name": "This table:", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "rows": [ { "cells": ["col 1", "col 2", "col 3"] }, { "cells": ["one", "two", "three"] }, { "cells": ["1", "2", "3"] }, { "cells": ["!", "~", "@"] } ] } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for a feature with one scenario outline with no examples tables
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario Outline: I've declared one step which passes Given This <instance> step is passing
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature" } ]
output JSON for a feature with one scenario outline with an examples table with no rows
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario Outline: I've declared one step which passes Given This <instance> step is passing Examples: | instance |
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature" } ]
output JSON for a feature with one scenario outline with an examples table with two rows
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario Outline: I've declared one step which passes Given This <instance> step is passing Examples: | instance | | first | | second |
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This (first|second) step is passing$/, function(instance, callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step which passes", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-which-passes", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This first step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] }, { "name": "I've declared one step which passes", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-which-passes", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This second step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for a feature with one scenario outline with an examples table with two rows and a background
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature Background: Given This applies to all scenarios Scenario Outline: I've declared one step which passes Given This <instance> step is passing Examples: | instance | | first |
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This applies to all scenarios$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); this.Given(/^This (first|second) step is passing$/, function(instance, callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "", "keyword": "Background", "description": "", "type": "background", "line": 2, "steps": [ { "name": "This applies to all scenarios", "line": 3, "keyword": "Given " } ] }, { "name": "I've declared one step which passes", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-which-passes", "line": 5, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This applies to all scenarios", "line": 3, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "name": "This first step is passing", "line": 6, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for a feature with one scenario outline with two examples tables
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (002ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario Outline: I've declared one step which passes Given This <instance> step is passing Examples: | instance | | first | Examples: | instance | | second |
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This (first|second) step is passing$/, function(instance, callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step which passes", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-which-passes", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This first step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] }, { "name": "I've declared one step which passes", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-which-passes", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This second step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
output JSON for a feature with one scenario outline with an examples table with two rows and before, after and around hooks
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario Outline: I've declared one step which passes Given This <instance> step is passing Examples: | instance | | first | | second |
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This (first|second) step is passing$/, function(instance, callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (000ms)
var hooks = function () { this.Before(function(callback) { callback(); }); this.After(function(callback) { callback(); }); this.Around(function(runScenario) { runScenario(function(callback) { callback(); }); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (002ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step which passes", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-which-passes", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "Before ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "name": "This first step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "After ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] }, { "name": "I've declared one step which passes", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-which-passes", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "Before ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "name": "This second step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "After ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
PogoScript support
In order to use the JS dialect that totally rocks
As a step definition implementor
I want to use PogoScript for writing step definitions
Pretty Formatter
In order to visualize the tests in an a set of Cucumber features
Developers should be able to see prettified view of the scenarios that are being executed
Output pretty text for a feature with no scenarios
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (002ms)
Feature: some feature
- When
I run cucumber.js -f pretty
- Then
it outputs this text: (000ms)
Feature: some feature 0 scenarios 0 steps
Pretty formatter hides around, before and after hooks
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step which passes Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (000ms)
var hooks = function () { this.Before(function(callback) { callback(); }); this.After(function(callback) { callback(); }); this.Around(function(runScenario) { runScenario(function(callback) { callback(); }); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f pretty
- Then
it outputs this text: (000ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step which passes # features/a.feature:3 Given This step is passing # features/a.feature:4 1 scenario (1 passed) 1 step (1 passed)
Failing hook is reported as a failed step
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (004ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (000ms)
var hooks = function () { this.Before(function(callback) { callback('Fail'); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f pretty
- Then
it outputs this text: (000ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing # features/a.feature:3 Before Fail Given This step is passing # features/a.feature:4 (::) failed steps (::) Fail Failing scenarios: <current-directory>/features/a.feature:3 # Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing 1 scenario (1 failed) 2 steps (1 failed, 1 skipped)
Scenario Outlines and Examples
Basic outline
- Given
the following feature: (000ms)
Feature: testing scenarios Background: Given a background step Scenario Outline: A <some> step is followed by <result> steps When a <some> step Then i get <result> Examples: | some | result | | passing | passed | | failing | skipped |
- And
the step "a background step" has a passing mapping (000ms)
- And
the step "a passing step" has a passing mapping (000ms)
- And
the step "a failing step" has a failing mapping (000ms)
- And
the step "i get passed" has a passing mapping (000ms)
- And
the step "i get skipped" has a passing mapping (000ms)
- When
Cucumber runs the feature (027ms)
- Then
the scenario called "A failing step is followed by skipped steps" is reported as failing (000ms)
- And
the step "a background step" passes (000ms)
- And
the step "a passing step" passes (000ms)
- And
the step "a failing step" passes (000ms)
- And
the step "i get passed" passes (000ms)
- And
the step "i get skipped" is skipped (000ms)
Outline with table
- Given
the following feature: (000ms)
Feature: testing scenarios Scenario Outline: outline with table When a table step: | first | second | | <first> | <second> | Examples: | first | second | | 1 | 2 |
- And
the step "a table step:" has a passing mapping that receives a data table (000ms)
- When
Cucumber runs the feature (006ms)
- Then
the received data table array equals the following: (000ms)
Outline with doc string
- Given
the following feature: (000ms)
Feature: testing scenarios Scenario Outline: outline with doc string When a doc string step: """ I am doc string in <example> example And there are <string> string """ Examples: | example | string | | first | some |
- And
the step "a doc string step:" has a passing mapping that receives a doc string (000ms)
- When
Cucumber runs the feature (005ms)
- Then
the received doc string equals the following: (000ms)
I am doc string in first example And there are some string
Several outlines
- Given
the following feature: (000ms)
Feature: testing scenarios Scenario Outline: scenario outline 1 When step <id> Examples: | id | | a | | b | Scenario Outline: scenario outline 2 When step <id> Examples: | id | | c | | d |
- And
the step "step a" has a passing mapping (000ms)
- And
the step "step b" has a passing mapping (000ms)
- And
the step "step c" has a passing mapping (000ms)
- And
the step "step d" has a passing mapping (000ms)
- When
Cucumber runs the feature (009ms)
- Then
the step "step a" passes (000ms)
- And
the step "step b" passes (000ms)
- And
the step "step c" passes (000ms)
- And
the step "step d" passes (000ms)
Scenario Statuses
Check scenario statuses
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (004ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (000ms)
function checkScenarioStatuses(scenario) { var error; if (scenario.isSuccessful() !== true) error = "Expected isSuccessful to be true"; else if (scenario.isFailed() !== false) error = "Expected isFailed to be false"; else if (scenario.isPending() !== false) error = "Expected isPending to be false"; else if (scenario.isUndefined() !== false) error = "Expected isUndefined to be false"; else if (scenario.getException() !== null) error = "Expected exception to be null"; else error = null; return error; } var hooks = function () { this.Around(function(scenario, runScenario) { var error = checkScenarioStatuses(scenario); runScenario(error, function(callback) { var error = checkScenarioStatuses(scenario); callback(error); }); }); this.Before(function(scenario, callback) { var error = checkScenarioStatuses(scenario); callback(error); }); this.After(function(scenario, callback) { var error = checkScenarioStatuses(scenario); callback(error); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is passing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-passing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "Before ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "After ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "Around ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
Success status
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (004ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is passing Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (001ms)
var hooks = function () { this.After(function(scenario, callback) { if (scenario.isSuccessful() !== true) error = "Expected isSuccessful to be true"; else if (scenario.isFailed() !== false) error = "Expected isFailed to be false"; else if (scenario.isPending() !== false) error = "Expected isPending to be false"; else if (scenario.isUndefined() !== false) error = "Expected isUndefined to be false"; else if (scenario.getException() !== null) error = "Expected exception to be null"; else error = null; callback(error); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is passing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-passing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is passing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "After ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
Failed status
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is failing Given This step is failing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is failing$/, function(callback) { callback("Fail"); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (000ms)
var hooks = function () { this.After(function(scenario, callback) { if (scenario.isSuccessful() !== false) error = "Expected isSuccessful to be false"; else if (scenario.isFailed() !== true) error = "Expected isFailed to be true"; else if (scenario.isPending() !== false) error = "Expected isPending to be false"; else if (scenario.isUndefined() !== false) error = "Expected isUndefined to be false"; else if (scenario.getException() !== "Fail") error = "Expected exception to be 'Fail'"; else error = null; callback(error); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is failing", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-failing", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is failing", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "error_message": "<error_message>", "duration": "<duration>", "status": "failed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "After ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
Pending status
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (004ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is pending Given This step is pending
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is pending$/, function(callback) { callback.pending(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (001ms)
var hooks = function () { this.After(function(scenario, callback) { if (scenario.isSuccessful() !== false) error = "Expected isSuccessful to be false"; else if (scenario.isFailed() !== false) error = "Expected isFailed to be false"; else if (scenario.isPending() !== true) error = "Expected isPending to be true"; else if (scenario.isUndefined() !== false) error = "Expected isUndefined to be false"; else if (scenario.getException() !== null) error = "Expected exception to be null"; else error = null; callback(error); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (001ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is pending", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-pending", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is pending", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "status": "pending" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "After ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
Undefined status
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (005ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is undefined Given This step is undefined
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (001ms)
var hooks = function () { this.After(function(scenario, callback) { if (scenario.isSuccessful() !== false) error = "Expected isSuccessful to be false"; else if (scenario.isFailed() !== false) error = "Expected isFailed to be false"; else if (scenario.isPending() !== false) error = "Expected isPending to be false"; else if (scenario.isUndefined() !== true) error = "Expected isUndefined to be true"; else if (scenario.getException() !== null) error = "Expected exception to be null"; else error = null; callback(error); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is undefined", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-undefined", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is undefined", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "status": "undefined" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "After ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": "<duration>", "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
Simultaneous statuses
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (004ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step and it is undefined Given This step is pending And This step is undefined
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is pending$/, function(callback) { callback.pending(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (000ms)
var hooks = function () { this.After(function(scenario, callback) { if (scenario.isSuccessful() !== false) error = "Expected isSuccessful to be false"; else if (scenario.isFailed() !== true) error = "Expected isFailed to be true"; else if (scenario.isPending() !== true) error = "Expected isPending to be true"; else if (scenario.isUndefined() !== true) error = "Expected isUndefined to be true"; else error = null; callback(error); }); this.After(function(scenario, callback) { callback("fail"); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f json
- Then
it outputs this json: (000ms)
[ { "id": "some-feature", "name": "some feature", "description": "", "line": 1, "keyword": "Feature", "uri": "<current-directory>/features/a.feature", "elements": [ { "name": "I've declared one step and it is undefined", "id": "some-feature;i've-declared-one-step-and-it-is-undefined", "line": 3, "keyword": "Scenario", "description": "", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "name": "This step is pending", "line": 4, "keyword": "Given ", "result": { "status": "pending" }, "match": {} }, { "name": "This step is undefined", "line": 5, "keyword": "And ", "result": { "status": "undefined" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "After ", "hidden": true, "result": { "error_message": "fail", "duration": 351161, "status": "failed" }, "match": {} }, { "keyword": "After ", "hidden": true, "result": { "duration": 319244, "status": "passed" }, "match": {} } ] } ] } ]
Step definition callbacks
fail with single-parameter error (Node.js style)
- Given
a scenario with: (000ms)
When I divide 10 by 0
- And
the step "I divide 10 by 0" has a mapping failing via a Node-like error construct (000ms)
- When
Cucumber executes the scenario (009ms)
- Then
the scenario fails (000ms)
succeed with promise
- Given
a promise-based mapping (000ms)
- When
Cucumber executes that mapping (000ms)
- Then
the mapping is run (000ms)
- And
the scenario passes (000ms)
Strict mode
Using the --strict
flag will cause cucumber to fail unless all the
step definitions have been defined.
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with:
Feature: Missing Scenario: Missing Given this step passes
Succeed scenario with implemented step with --strict
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: Missing Scenario: Missing Given this step passes
- Given
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (000ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.When(/^this step passes$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f progress features/a.feature --strict
- Then
it outputs this text: (000ms)
. 1 scenario (1 passed) 1 step (1 passed)
- And
the exit status should be 0 (000ms)
Fail scenario with undefined step with --strict
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: Missing Scenario: Missing Given this step passes
- When
I run cucumber.js -f progress features/a.feature --strict
- Then
it outputs this text: (000ms)
U 1 scenario (1 undefined) 1 step (1 undefined) You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets: this.Given(/^this step passes$/, function (callback) { // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions callback.pending(); });
- And
the exit status should be 1 (000ms)
Fail Scenario with pending step with --strict
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: Missing Scenario: Missing Given this step passes
- Given
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^this step passes$/, function(callback) { callback.pending(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f progress features/a.feature --strict
- Then
it outputs this text: (000ms)
P 1 scenario (1 pending) 1 step (1 pending)
- And
the exit status should be 1 (000ms)
Fail scenario with undefined step with -S
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: Missing Scenario: Missing Given this step passes
- When
I run cucumber.js -f progress features/a.feature -S
- Then
it outputs this text: (000ms)
U 1 scenario (1 undefined) 1 step (1 undefined) You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets: this.Given(/^this step passes$/, function (callback) { // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions callback.pending(); });
- And
the exit status should be 1 (000ms)
Fail Scenario with pending step with -S
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (002ms)
Feature: Missing Scenario: Missing Given this step passes
- Given
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^this step passes$/, function(callback) { callback.pending(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f progress features/a.feature -S
- Then
it outputs this text: (000ms)
P 1 scenario (1 pending) 1 step (1 pending)
- And
the exit status should be 1 (000ms)
Summary Formatter
In order to get a quick overview of Cucumber test run
Developers should be able to see a high level summary of the scenarios that were executed
Output summary for a feature with no scenarios
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (003ms)
Feature: some feature
- When
I run cucumber.js -f summary
- Then
it outputs this text: (000ms)
0 scenarios 0 steps
Summary formatter hides around, before and after hooks
- Given
a file named "features/a.feature" with: (002ms)
Feature: some feature Scenario: I've declared one step which passes Given This step is passing
- And
a file named "features/step_definitions/cucumber_steps.js" with: (001ms)
var cucumberSteps = function() { this.Given(/^This step is passing$/, function(callback) { callback(); }); }; module.exports = cucumberSteps;
- And
a file named "features/support/hooks.js" with: (001ms)
var hooks = function () { this.Before(function(callback) { callback(); }); this.After(function(callback) { callback(); }); this.Around(function(runScenario) { runScenario(function(callback) { callback(); }); }); }; module.exports = hooks;
- When
I run cucumber.js -f summary
- Then
it outputs this text: (000ms)
1 scenario (1 passed) 1 step (1 passed)
User logs into the system
In order to be able to use eraNET components
As a user
I want to log in to the system
Unlogged user sees welcome page with login
- Given
I have not logged or have logged out before (000ms)
- When
I visit initial page (000ms)
- Then
Default app should be loaded (000ms)
- And
I should see login request (000ms)
- And
I should not see any username (000ms)
Minimal user sees welcome page with its username and logout
- Given
I have logged as guest named "Guest" (000ms)
- When
I visit initial page (000ms)
- Then
Default app should be loaded (000ms)
- And
I should see logout request (000ms)
- And
I should see "Guest" as username (000ms)
Unlogged user logs in
- Given
I have not logged or have logged out before (000ms)
- And
I have visited initial page (000ms)
- And
I have seen login request (000ms)
- When
I ask to log in (000ms)
- Then
I should be taken to login page (000ms)
Logged user logs out
- Given
I have logged as guest named "Guest" (000ms)
- And
I have visited initial page (000ms)
- And
I have seen logout request (000ms)
- When
I ask to log out (000ms)
- Then
I should be taken to logout page (000ms)
World constructor callback with object
It is possible for the World constructor function to tell Cucumber
to use another object than itself as the World instance:
this.World = function WorldConstructor(callback) { var myCustomWorld = { dance: function() { /* ... */ } }; callback(myCustomWorld); // tell Cucumber to use myCustomWorld // as the world object. };
If no parameter is passed to the callback, the WorldConstructor
instance will be used by Cucumber:
this.World = function WorldConstructor(callback) { var myCustomWorld = {}; callback(); // could have been written `callback(this);` };
scenario calling function on explicit world instance
- Given
a custom World constructor calling back with an explicit object (000ms)
- When
Cucumber executes a scenario that calls a function on the explicit World object (005ms)
- Then
the feature passes (000ms)
- And
the explicit World object function should have been called (000ms)
step definition snippets
escape regexp special characters
- Given
a scenario with: (000ms)
Given I am a happy veggie \o/ When I type -[]{}()*+?.\^$|#/
- When
Cucumber executes the scenario (006ms)
- Then
a "Given" step definition snippet for /^I am a happy veggie \\o\/$/ is suggested (000ms)
- Then
a "When" step definition snippet for /^I type \-\[\]\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|#\/$/ is suggested [small right]#(000ms)#
step matching groups
- Given
a scenario with: (000ms)
Given I have 5 "kekiri" cucumbers
- When
Cucumber executes the scenario (004ms)
- Then
a "Given" step definition snippet for /^I have (\d+) "([^"]*)" cucumbers$/ with 2 parameters is suggested (000ms)
step definitions with string pattern
Some people don’t like Regexps as step definition patterns.
Cucumber also supports string-based patterns.
step definition with string-based pattern
- Given
a mapping with a string-based pattern (000ms)
- When
Cucumber executes a scenario using that mapping (004ms)
- Then
the feature passes (000ms)
- And
the mapping is run (000ms)
step definition with string-based pattern and parameters
- Given
a mapping with a string-based pattern and parameters (000ms)
- When
Cucumber executes a scenario that passes arguments to that mapping (003ms)
- Then
the feature passes (000ms)
- And
the mapping is run (000ms)
- And
the mapping receives the arguments (000ms)
step definition with string-based pattern and multiple parameters
- Given
a mapping with a string-based pattern and multiple parameters (000ms)
- When
Cucumber executes a scenario that passes multiple arguments to that mapping (003ms)
- Then
the feature passes (000ms)
- And
the mapping is run (000ms)
- And
the mapping receives the multipple arguments (000ms)